Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Dev Team Under Apple Spying

iPhone hacker Comex the guy behind Spirit and JailbreakMe suggesting via his official Twitter account, that Apple might have a spy within the iPhone Dev Team itself, allowing Cupertino to close exploits in their iOS software before the Dev Team can release a working jailbreak with them.

Here’s Comex’s rationale.the Dev team in the Recent days found number of possible jailbreak. The idea is to make sure that Apple only has an important information to close currently released jailbreaks. By keeping some jailbreak exploits secret and in reserve, the Dev Team can be reasonably sure that Apple won’t patch them with a new iOS update, which gives the Dev Team a head start on releasing a jailbreak when the next firmware hits.

According to Comex, he was keeping just such an exploit in reserve, one that had been present from iOS 4.0.2 all the way through iOS 4.3. When iOS 4.3.1 dropped, though, the exploit had been miraculously closed by Apple… just as Comex was preparing to deploy it.

Comex “I try not to be paranoid, but it is really hard to explain this as anything but a leak,” The. Third message by Comex via twitter account
The battle between Apple and the hackers might get to the point of spying, Comex said that there is some Stranger things that happened and Apple might found the exploit on their own and fixed it. Of course might not be a leak, which Comex admits Comex was quick to retweet a follower’s. Any way stay tuned for any update !

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