Have you ever wished that you could stream video files from your computer over to your TV without actually hooking the two directly together? If you’ve got a PlayStation 3, you’re in luck, because that’s today’s geek lesson.
If you’re wondering how to rip dvds to your PC, we’ve got you covered with an article on the subject, but you can stream video files that you’ve recorded yourself, or downloaded from somewhere.
Image by playstation-themes
Installing the Media Server
Watching movies from different devices wasn’t always possible, but a group of companies banded together to create a standard called DLNA that helps different media devices talk to each other. PS3MediaServer is a DLNA compliant Upnp Media Server written in Java for PlayStation 3 that runs on Windows, Linux, or Mac, and that’s what we’ll use today. Note: most of the screenshots are for the Linux version, but the Windows version works the same way.Grab the latest version of PS3MediaServer and extract it to your local hard drive.
We need to have the right video encoder/decoder to run PS3MediaServer, and when you’re running Debian based Linux, such as Ubuntu, we can get all these items by running this command from the console :
sudo apt-get install mencoder ffmpeg mplayer vlc openjdk-6-jre
The windows installer has all the video encoder/decoders built-in, you only need to make sure that you have the latest JRE on your machine, and then you can run PS3MediaServer from your start menu.Setting Up Your Media Server
PS3MediaServer supports transcoding, a format conversion of media files, allowing you to play media files on your computer that may not be supported by PS3.In case you can’t play your movies, try playing the media files that have been converted by the media server into a PlayStation 3 – compatible media format.
That’s all folks! It does not get any simpler than this. Now sit back, relax, grab some beers, and enjoy the show with your buddies.
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