Thursday, December 16, 2010

WikiLeaks' Assange Walks Free As Bail Upheld!

wikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been released after being granted bail at the High Court.

He spoke outside Westminster Magistrates Court after being let out, despite an unsuccessful appeal being lodged against the decision.
"It's great to smell the fresh air of London again," he said.
The Australian is wanted for questioning over alleged sex offences committed in Stockholm while he was visiting the city in August.
Judge Mr Justice Ouseley rejected arguments that Assange was a flight risk and renewed bail, pending moves to extradite him to Sweden.
The country's director of prosecutions said the British decision "does not change the state of the case itself".
The CPS statement fails to address who it really was that took the decision to oppose bail
Sky News' foreign affairs editor Tim Marshall
The Crown Prosecution Service issued a statement in response to claims it had been behind the move to appeal against Assange's bail.
It said: "The CPS acts as agents for the Swedish government in the case concerning Mr Assange.
"The Swedish Director of Prosecutions this morning confirmed she fully supported the appeal."
Sky News' foreign affairs editor Tim Marshall said: "CPS clearly felt they had to counter speculation that they had taken it on themselves.
"The statement fails to address who it really was that took the decision to oppose bail."
Assange's lawyer told reporters his team were "utterly delighted" at the result, adding that his client was the victim of a "continued vendetta".
Mark Stephens also said the £240,000 bail amount set by the magistrates court had been raised.
"We are going through the formalities, preparing sureties to go to police stations, arranging for the transfer of funds to the magistrates court, so that the security's there," he said.
<a href="">Julian Assange Bail Hearing</a>
"I'm pleased to report all the money came through. All his supporters kept their promises, the honourable people that they are.
"There are so many twists and turns in this case, it is impossible to say that this is the end of the line."
It is understood the Australian may have to wear an electronic tag as part of his bail conditions and report to police daily.
He will be staying at the Suffolk manor home of Vaughan Smith, who owns London's Frontline Club.
Assange's mother Christine told reporters she was "very, very happy" at the judge's decision.
"I can't wait to see my son and to hold him close," she said.
Christine Assange
Assange's mother Christine speaks to reporters outside the High Court
"I had faith in the British justice system to do the right thing, and that faith has been confirmed."
Swedish officials had told the court they feared Assange would abscond if he was granted bail because he has no ties in the UK.
They said the WikiLeaks founder has lived a "nomadic lifestyle" and those offering to provide sureties had not known him long.
Assange's lawyers argued the Australian has no access to funds and the suggestion that his supporters would assist him in fleeing was "purely hypothetical".
While the judge remarked the motivation to support could turn into a motivation to assist, he rejected the Swedish submission.
Meanwhile, a pro-WikiLeaks hacker has told Sky News an internet insurgent group will keep attacking those companies who target the whistleblowing website.
Assange's arrest followed the release by his website of thousands of private US diplomatic cables.
 Via [Skynews]

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