Tuesday, December 14, 2010

First iAd for iPad features Tron Legacy [Video]

The first iPad iAd has been released today and it's for Disney's upcoming film Tron Legacy. The iAd features video from the Tron movie, which leads to an interactive menu. The menu itself is designed to look like a light disc and allows the viewer to navigate to a photo gallery, movie trailer, theater finder, email notifier, story synopsis, and a preview of the movie soundtrack.

An Apple spokesperson told AdAge that the Tron Legacy iAd will be the only iAd to appear on the iPad this year. "The format, designed to maximize the ad potential of Apple's tablet computer, will be launched widely in early 2011 when other ads start flowing onto the platform," the spokesperson said. "Like its iPhone and iPod Touch predecessors, the first iPad iAd is chock-full of the rich graphics, touch navigation and video native to apps."

No word yet on which ad-supported apps are featuring the ad yet, but you can check out a demo of the ad in the video after the break. Tron Legacy opens on December 17th and is produced by Disney, which Steve Jobs just happens to serve as the largest shareholder.

[via MacStories]

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