Saturday, September 25, 2010

OptimusTime, transform your iPod in an iWatch!c

Surely you will remember Antonio De Rosa, The guy who first thought all'iWatch . In September, Apple introduced the new iPod Nano, with a nice clock function , and we have already seen some straps but they were all pretty bad . ADR firm, therefore , decided to make a real band especially for the iPod, and was named OptimusTime .

 We had already shown some photos but here are a small movie where at the end you can see the words " Christmas 2010 ".
 Yes, OptimusTime this time is not just a concept but a real band that will be produced and marketed . This is the description :
 OptimusTime is not a solution stopgap or temporary : it turns into a stable your iPod , recalling in design its the iWatch of ADR . Aluminum case and straps of high quality, in colors Apple, distinguish it sharply from the economic solutions present currently on the market. The locking system patented called RailClip allows your iPod to remain firmly attached to your wrist, without losing any of its functions specific , and without adding thickness. OptimusTime will come with straps in 6 colors.

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