Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Here's What's New in iOS 4.2 Beta 2 For iPad [new coverage]

iOS 4.2 beta 1 was released on 15th September then following the traditional two week schedule, Apple released iOS 4.2 beta 2 last night to bring unexpected features to iPad. We are listing all the features with full details below.

New Multitasking Animation for iPad
That's the most important and big feature in this beta release, the arrival of real Multitasking to the iPad & different from iPhone's one. It's based on having your current screen slide to left, while the new one will slide around it horizontally to get on the front. Here's a video to see it in action [via MacStories]:

Game Center Indicator in the App Store
Apple added a new feature in this beta to indicate whether this game supports Game Center or not, this feature appeared in iTunes 10.0.1 app store and now it comes to the mobile app store for both iPhone & iPad [via iSpazio]

New Youtube Upload Options
By default, when you upload a Youtube video from your iPhone or iPad it goes public to everyone but iOS 4.2 beta 2 adds a new feature which allows you to choose one of three options when uploading a video [via 9to5mac]

New iTunes icon
You may hate the new iTunes icon but Jobs love it, so the old iTunes icon is now gone while promoting "Connect to iTunes", the new one replace it now.

Improvements & Optimizations
The recently released iOS 4.2 beta 2 apparently does much to improve memory usage, with some apps like Safari reportedly using nearly 25% less memory than in iOS 4.2 beta 1 [via iPadevice]

Internet Tethering on the iPad
We already talked about this feature hours ago, Internet Tethering option might allow you to tether your iPad 3G's internet connection to another devices as a laptop, so you will be able to share your iPad 3G connection with your laptop via USB cable.
OK folks, did we miss something? Feel free to use the comment section below to share your ideas with others and tell us what do you think about this beta! More features coming in the next beta!

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