Saturday, August 28, 2010

New and Cool Features Coming to TinyUmbrella in the Future

Notcom, the developer behind TinyUmbrella which lets you enable save the SHSH blob so you can downgrade, (we have guide posted here for latest version) has posted a new post showing really nice and cool features will be added to TinyUmbrella in the future. He didn't mention anything about the release time but it's probably not in the next update.

Here's the fixes:
  • Device History: TinyUmbrella will remember device information of devices that have connected so that saving SHSH's for those devices in the future no longer requires you to connect the device.
  • Save All SHSH's Available "On-File" at Cydia: TinyUmbrella will now automatically check Cydia for ALL SHSHs for the connected device (or device from history :) )
  • TinyUmbrella will also help you detect what application is running on your computer that is taking up port 80 and will give you the option to kill that application. This should help many of you that don't know what application may be listening on port 80 (ie. Skype)
  • TinyUmbrella will also tell you what firmware versions you can safely downgrade or restore to whenever you connect the device (or select a device from history)
  • TinyUmbrella will be sporting a cleaner UI based on some of the great suggestions from @chpwn (a friend and fellow chronic dev team associate)
  • Support for PowerPC and more stable runtime for folks having problems running TinyUmbrella for odd and various reasons.
Big ones:
  • Activation Support: I've started looking into the way the phone requests (and obtains) activation from apple's servers. I'm confident I can duplicate this process but I have more investigation as the the process is incredibly complicated.
  • Full Restore Support without iTunes: I'm looking at implementing my own complete restore mechanism. I have not decided if I'll directly use @p0sixninja's libirestore or whether I'll try to do something that hasn't been done before... ie in java :)
Stay tuned and we will keep you informed!

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