Monday, July 19, 2010

White iPhone 4 Delayed Due to Color Issues

Engadget claims the reasons behind White iPhone 4 Delay, The reason is problem in the paint application process for the device's glass front and back panels. Lens Technology the company behind the production of iPhone 4 is working on this issue to achieve the best for Apple users.

Engadget Report:
Specifically, the factory’s still working out the perfect combination of paint thickness and opacity — the former to ensure the next sub-contractor has enough clearance for the digitizer overlay, and the latter for the absolute whiteness that Jony Ive and co. strive for. As we pointed out before, the prototype white covers we acquired appeared a touch darker than the iPhone 4 dock, so here’s hoping that we’ll see a better result when the official white phone comes out later this month.
Steve Jobs (CEO of Apple) confirmed in his last conference that White iPhone 4 will be shipping at the end of this month (July 30) So Stay tuned for More News.
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