Saturday, July 10, 2010

Microsoft Wants iOS Developers to Work on it's Mobile Platforms?

So it seems that in many times when it was reported that Microsoft is doing everything in their power to win over developers to their respective mobile platforms was just rumors and the fact is that it was offering money for a switch was still more of a belief than anything, As we can see the iOS developer Oliver Drobnik was approached as well recently, and had the good idea of publishing what Microsoft sent to him, Check the screenshot.

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The Important paragraph in his Letter:
Microsoft is looking at investing time and resources in assisting your company to extend beyond your existing platforms and unto our new Windows Phone 7 platform coming in late fall 2010. This is a great opportunity to generate additional revenue and/or exposure from a net new channel.
They are offering money for iOS Developers to Win over them and work for Microsoft, But Oliver Drobnik seems smart to publish his letter for people to see what Microsoft is doing!
[Source: DrObnik, Via: AppAdvice]

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