Showing posts with label iWork. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iWork. Show all posts

Friday, December 17, 2010

Signs Refer to January 6th The Date Of launching iWork '11

According to 9to5 Mac, retail copies of iWork '09 are running low at Apple Retail Stores. As one Apple retail employee told 9to5, "There is no iWork on the shelves, no iWork in stock and none on the way." That alone is a pretty good sign Apple's office suite is about to be updated, but there's even more.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Apple Released iWork 9.0.4 for MacOSX

Apple just released iWork 9.0.4, the new version bringing a number of fixes to Apples's productivity suite but also deploying a new feature, this new feature is the ability to export Pages documents in the ePub format for compatibility with company's iBooks application for iOS.