Tuesday, December 22, 2015

iPhone 6C launch confirmed by a mobile operator

 Launch iPhone 6C or iPhone 7C was confirmed by a mobile operator in yesterday, the picture above stand proof for its plans to initiate sales of the new smartphone developed by Apple.

Various rumors appeared in recent weeks have indicated that they intend to launch Apple iPhone 6C or iPhone 7C in the first months of 2016, while China Mobile confirms this information, indicating that the terminal will hit stores in April.

China Mobile has confirmed the launch of Samsung Galaxy S7 in March, disclosing and various other secret of mobile phone manufacturers, but Samsung and Apple matters most, their new terminal will be the center of attention at the time of release.

As you probably know already, iPhone 6C or iPhone 7C will have a 4 inch screen, a case similar to the iPhone 6, but the hardware is a combination of one provided by Apple in the iPhone 5S and iPhone 6S but data is not secure.

Since the rumors of the launch confirmed by the mobile operator, we can conclude that the data on the hardware would be very real, but it remains to be seen whether they will be confirmed by Apple next year or not.

Apple would present iPhone 6C or iPhone 7C at an event which would take place in March, a lot of people waiting with great interest the day.

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