Tuesday, December 22, 2015

App Store is locked in next week

App Store is locked in the next week, Apple closing iTunes Connect for the next 7 days, preventing developers to publish applications and virtual store or modify existing titles.

Any change which was not scheduled until today for publication, withdrawal or price change applications will not be made until December 29, Apple blocking their developers access to these functions that allow handling applications available in the App Store.

In these seven days the team that manages App Store and everything about him is on vacation, so Apple has blocked all charts applications visible in its stores, all applications are now presented in a top or promotion, will remain frozen there until December 29th.

Apple works the same way every year and not just for Christmas, but during Thanksgiving, so if you notice that nothing changes in the App Store in the next week, well now you have an explanation for the stagnation of all tops applications available.

In conclusion, I recommend you take advantage of discounts or even free applications because they can disappear in this period of seven days if developers have already booked their flights, so do everything as you still have the chance.

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