Sunday, December 6, 2015

Apple increased the limit of tracks in iTunes Match to 100,000

Apple, as promised, has increased the limit of the tracks in the cloud service iTunes Match to 100 000. This fact drew attention blogger Makilhern Kirk, who managed to download a remote mail store 30,000 songs.

In 2011, Apple released a music service iTunes Match, through which users can listen remotely to the iPhone, iPad and computer music, derived from any source, including from the online store iTunes, and CD-ROM drive and torrent trackers .

All this time, iTunes Match has been a limit of 25,000 songs. In Cupertino have promised to raise the bar to 100,000 tracks from the release of iOS 9. The new platform made its debut in September, but the company did not promise kept. In October, Apple confirmed its plans: vice president of Internet services Eddy Cue, assured that the company is "working on it" and that the changes "will occur before the end of the year." And now the limit has been increased four times.

Note that after you have subscribed to iTunes Match service goes through several stages. The first step is scanning the local music collection to find the matching songs in the store Apple, which has a catalog of 30 million tracks. The songs in the database was not loaded into the cloud. After collate as iTunes music library from iCloud, users can listen to music over the network to any device.

It is understood the essence of restrictions on the number of songs: The service will scan a maximum of 100 000 songs that have been added to the library are not of the iTunes Store. Other tracks, honestly purchased at the online store Apple, will be available from the cloud in unlimited quantities.

iTunes Match, as well as Apple Music, used to work with AAC standard bit rate of 256 kb / s, and all the tracks in a higher bit rate converted to this format. The quality of the original music files are not affected.

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