Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Microsoft launched an open testing Cortana voice assistant for iOS

After six months of work on Cortana for the iOS platform, Microsoft launched an open testing voice assistant for the iPhone. To take part in the testing technology can all owners of iOS-devices in the US and China.

A preliminary version of Cortana can create reminders, send e-mails, appointments, and save them in a calendar. The assistant will also try to answer your questions, but some of the functions like up the team «Hey, Cortana» is only supported in operating systems Windows.

It is worth noting that Cortana on the iPhone and iPad not get to run on the operating system level, and especially to replace Siri. We are talking about a separate application with built-in personal assistant.

In an accompanying note: Microsoft reports that it is very proud of the work Cortana, and wants to "advanced technology could try everyone", not just the users Windows 10. At the moment, the company from Redmond are only interested in people of the two countries that are also members of the Windows Insider. When Cortana version for iOS will be available to all owners of iPhone, it is still unknown.

In late October, a group of researchers from the University of Utah and the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety found that the voice assistant in smartphones and computer systems of cars are able to distract the driver's attention from the management of cars up to 27 seconds after the set of messages that they send, or select music. And the voice assistant Cortana was more dangerous to drive than Siri.

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