Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Apple: iOS 9 installed more than 60% of users of iPhone, iPad and iPod touch

According to statistics published by Apple operating system iOS 9 installed already 61% compliant with its mobile devices. It comes just a month and a half after the launch of the platform, and over the past two weeks, its presence has grown by 4%.

At the same time 30% of all gadgets using the App Store, is still running iOS 8, and 9% remain loyal iOS 7 or earlier versions of the platform.

iOS 9 turned the record for speed of distribution, and in just one week was set at every other iOS-device, whereas the previous version of the Apple took this for about six weeks. And Apple said that a month after the debut of iOS 9 interest in the operating system is still very large.

IOS penetration rate is much greater than the corresponding figures Android. At the moment, Android 5.0 and 5.1 accounted for only 23.5% of the market with gadgets "green robot." And though last month only these versions could increase the share (2.5%), the speed of Android does not go to any comparison with the iOS.

The most common version of the OS is released in 2013. Android 4.4 KitKat - 38,9% of devices run on this version.

Speed adaptation Android 5.0 Lollipop depressing, especially in the light output has the next version of Android 6.0. Although, with incredible gadgets with fragmentation of the OS, as well as an incredible market share in terms of unit shipments of such devices will, indeed, a lot. However, this does not solve the problem of developers who have in their software to support older versions of Android and not to hurry with the introduction of features that are available only in the latest updates.