Saturday, August 8, 2015

Lenovo and Apple are leading to supply personal computers to the world market

In the II quarter of 2015. Apple has shown a decline in sales iPad. Even so, the company is ahead of almost all its competitors in terms of total performance and tablet PC shipments from April to June, found analytical company Canalys.

It should be emphasized that in this case the account were not only desktops and laptops, but also tablets. The leader with a share of 15% is Lenovo. Chinese giant three months put about 16 million PCs.

In second place is Apple, but the gap from Lenovo was only about 240,000 units. The company from Cupertino came in second place at the expense of the tablet iPad, which have sold almost 11 million units. Just a quarter of the world has sold about 109.2 million PCs, which is 12% lower than a year earlier. Also in the top five of this market includes HP, Dell and Samsung, but the source does not result in accurate data to these producers.

In the future demand for tablets at Canalys not worried, even though an increasing spread of smartphones with large displays. It is believed that the corporate sector is only eyeing the tablet devices that can replace desktop and laptop computers.

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