Tuesday, July 14, 2015

WhatsApp prepares the client update for the iPhone: 10 new messenger features

World's most popular instant messenger is developing a new client for the iPhone. According to informed sources, it will be the biggest upgrade of mobile applications for devices Apple. The developers will take into account the wishes of service users and implementing a number of Non-iOS-platform features.

Development update for WhatsApp has been going on for several weeks. It is currently known about the 10 features of the new edition of the messenger for iPhone.

1. Support to Apple Watch: WhatsApp finally supports Apple Watch, although we do not know exactly how far you push this support.When, in fact, it was shown only the "handoff", but could confirm that will soon be possible to receive a message on Apple Watch and at least open the conversation on the iPhone directly from the lock screen. In all likelihood, though, even if the times do not know, Apple Watch receive native app WhatsApp.

2. New GUI: after about two years since the last restyling for iOS, WhatsApp is finally working to modernize the graphics of its application. This time it will go to a design more similar to what we've seen on Android. In particular, on this issue we can already show a preview image. Although this screenshot was taken to one of the first beta, the new graphics of WhatsApp for IOS should be very similar to the one you see below.

3. Web for iPhone WhatsApp: WhatsApp finally seems to be ready to bring WhatsApp Web on the iPhone, after the release of a few months ago on Android and Windows Phone. However, they do not know the time of release, but it is sure that with the next updates also iPhone users can communicate via the browser of your computer using your account WhatsApp.

4. New official prices of the service: in the latest beta of WhatsApp were also unveiled new plans to service subscription. In particular, the subscription will be completed through in-app purchase, and you can buy up to 5 years of service. Prices are 0.89 € for one year of service; € 2.69 for three years of service and € 4.49 for five years of service. These prices, of course, refer only to those who have purchased WhatsApp when, some years ago, was in charge. If you have a subscription "unlimited" then you will not have to pay this money to use WhatsApp.

5. Function "mark as read / unread" WhatsApp introduces the ability to mark as read a message, just like on Facebook. This function was then confirmed after the rumor a few weeks ago. It appears already active in the current beta.

6. Nothing tool "Like": Our source also denies the presence - at least for the moment - a "Like" button on Facebook style in the last beta of WhatsApp. In the past it was instead suggested that, just as the "Mark as read", this feature could come in the messaging client more popular in the world.

7. Notifications customized for individual chat: with the new update, WhatsApp also introduce the ability to customize notifications for each chat. In this way we can immediately understand, the type of notification and sounding, who wrote to us before even looking at the screen of our iPhone.

8. Silent singles chat: the same concept also applies to quiet: with the new update the WhatsApp, a bit 'as on iMessage, we can set it for every single chat, in order to "change" those who do not want to give weight at a particular time.

9. Support for video backup to iCloud: the new update to iOS WhatsApp will also be able to include videos sent or received in the chat backup to iCloud. A useful function but that is likely at the same time exaggerate our backups, weighing on iCloud storage space.

10. Mode "save data" for VoIP calls: after the introduction of VoIP calls, the introduction of which was widely anticipated by Greenpois0n, WhatsApp is ready to introduce a new feature that will save data to users during calls via the Internet, clearly at the expense of quality.

These are the news that WhatsApp introduces in the next update of its iPhone app. However we do not know to tell you exactly when the update will be available, and if the news will be limited to those set forth herein. Probably there will be more changes in the next beta, and if they were relevant not hesitate to riportarvele with a new article.

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