Sunday, July 26, 2015

The Apple Watch have cornered 75% of the market share of smart watches

During the publication of the results of the third quarter of fiscal 2015. Apple (Q3 2015), there were very interesting data and that deal directly with iOS but most devices with Apple Watch, is that the people of Cupertino has reserved the official number of watches sold on the grounds of not wanting to provide unnecessary information to its competitors.

However, after this revelation, the firm Strategy Analytics has been commissioned to carry out a report which indicates that Apple has sold no less than around 4 million units during the third quarter.

This would indicate that even though the device was presented to the general public less than a year later to be released for sale in the US during the month of April, this would have already captured about 75% of the market share reflecting sales of smart watches worldwide.

But that's not all because the firm responsible for statistics has reported that with the arrival of Apple Watch, shipments of such wearable devices increased by 457% (yes, 457%) over the previous year.

Other data reported and it is important to mention is the fact that the Samsung Star clock happened to occupy only 7.5% of the current market compared with 73.6% during the quarter it occupied last year.

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