Sunday, July 5, 2015

Sharp and Samsung can produce 12.9-inch screen for the iPad Pro 2

That Samsung provides a lot of components for Apple products is hardly anything new. The company has always participated in the production of screens, memory and chipsets for smartphones from Apple. Now a new news arrives to claim that the same is true of iPad. Okay, what does this have to novelty? The rumor refers to a 12.9-inch panel that will be produced by South Korea in partnership with the Japanese Sharp. This helps strengthen several previous rumors that the iPad Pro really is on the way.

We do not know, for sure, when the news hit the market. But it is expected that the launch happens along as the new generation of the iPad Air and also its smaller version, the Mini iPad. With the increase in size of the displays in the current generation of iPhones, it was expected that Apple also do the same with their tablets.

With this, the Cupertino giant has partnered with Sharp which has great experience in producing panels of this size, while Samsung would be the secondary supplier. This measure is intended to prevent Sharp not take account of all demand, avoiding the delay in production of the new tablets.

The name of the new device has not been confirmed yet, as none of the rumors about the same. Thus, it can be released as iPad Plus, since the company decided to adopt this designation in smartphone line.

The product will ship with iOS 9 that brings among its novelties the new multitasking mode, which allows two apps open at the same time. This feature will be better spent on a big screen, especially if the new iPad comes with 12.9 inch display.

Nor should we forget that in iOS code has been found a mention of a device with a 12.9-inch screen with a resolution of 2,048 x 2,732 pixels.

This helps to further strengthen the existence of the product. However, as usual, Apple does not confirm anything said here. The company never commented on any rumors involving your system, or your product line. With this, we will have to wait a few more months to know if the novelty will actually be launched.

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