Monday, June 29, 2015

Smartphone sales in China rose 37% thanks to Apple's iPhone

The Asian nation has increased smartphone sales almost 40% thanks to the market introduction of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.

The lists of sales in China have exceeded every quarter since they have been available the latest versions of Apple's Smartphone this has led to an increase in the overall ASP, which generally has been dragged down by the widespread availability and popularity of low-cost smartphonewhich they are sold from $ 100.

In the third quarter of 2014, Smartphone ASP in China was at $ 192, according to data compiled by IDC and quoted by Bloomberg. He rose to $ 263 in the first quarter of 2015, a jump of 37 percent.

The highest figure was on average $ 297 ASP. But it is a significant increase in a country where local companies compete in the category of price and do not give much importance on quality.

The most impressive achievement is that the total market, which shrank by 4 percent in the first quarter of this year is reviewed. The big surprise is that in six years there has been a jump Apple sold 62% year on year in China.

Smartphones are becoming the most sought after in China. This I affirm Kitty Fok, managing director of IDC China, in May. China is considered an emerging market, but the fact that today the most sought after phones are smartphones and this because of the desire to communicate in different ways.

China is on the rise in mature markets like the US, UK, Australia and Japan. This is because the power of conviction they have on existing users who do not have a smartphone, now will be the key growth market of China.

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