Monday, May 11, 2015

Rumor: Apple considers expanding production in Ireland to meet global demand

According to new information released on Monday (11), Apple is considering expanding its factory located in Cork, Ireland, in order to cope with the overwhelming global demand for their products.

If the report continues to be correct, the new expansion of Apple will build a new center in County Cork on a plot that for 20 years has served as a sort of "stop" for travelers. According to, the company would be ready to nearly double the space of its current factory.

About a year and a half ago, the company spent approximately $ 334,000 in an expansion of a lease of two office blocks in the city center of Cork. In Galway, also in Ireland, Apple is working on creating a data center that will cost about 947 million dollars to the company's pockets.

It is uncertain stating that Apple would produce the extra factory space, as traditionally the center of Cork is geared to produce Macs instead of devices like iPhones and iPads, are assembled in China.

The report also suggests that the expansion project could still add a few million for the Cork construction industry and create hundreds of jobs.

Apple suffered harsh criticism recently because of its expansion plans in Ireland that is channeling international revenues to exploit legal loopholes to pay minimum taxes. Soon, the European Union may require Apple and other companies using the same gaps pay higher taxes in the region. For the Cupertino company, the difference would impact on your bottom line, but this does not affect the critically market.