Sunday, May 3, 2015

In the United States, Auction is offering business card of Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs is one of those responsible for one of the most important technological revolutions of the world, there is no denying that Apple opened borders that market. Just so there are thousands of collectors of objects and devices created by Jobs; until recently there was an Apple-1 auction, one of the most popular computers in the world.

Now another great auction will take place, only this time it's something much more personal, and that few people have ever had. The institution The Marin School in California, USA, is conducting an auction to raise funds. This is common, especially for instituting wishing to stay open and need money.

The interesting thing is that the auction will be held to sell three business cards of Steve Jobs, for the three big companies that he founded and worked between 1984 and 1990. These are Apple, NeXT and Pixar, each card is specifically each of the companies.

According to Business Insider, the cards belong to a family that provided services to Steve Jobs, and therefore has all three versions of the companies in which the personality worked. The auction has begun, the start value was $ 600, but so far have been held 32 offers, the last was US $ 5.030.

The auction will take place by May 7, The Marin School institution will use the money to fund a charity event.