Tuesday, May 26, 2015

iPhone 6s Force Touch Display to combine the advantages of the Apple Watch screen and the new MacBook trackpad

It is no secret that the main feature of the next generation iPhone will support technology Force Touch. Rumors that Apple is going to use in their communicators touch sensitivity displays, go for a long time.

According to 9to5Mac, a source at the company confirmed this information, describing the methods of application of technology in iOS 9.

One embodiment of the Force Touch to the iPhone screen is tactile feedback. The design of the LCD panel will be provided sensors which will record not only the fact of clicking, but also its strength. Such a change will make to the iOS new features, based on playing strength. Thus, pressing the display, the user will feel a response. For it will be in charge module called Taptic Engine.

Initially, the technology will receive support for standard applications iOS 9: Weather, Maps, Safari, Calendar. In the future, Apple will open API for developers, so that in the future for many third-party applications Force Touch displays are not strangers.

The preset programs it will look like this: the more the user will press the rewind button on your player, the quicker this will happen very fast. The same applies to the media player - at a strong pressure can accelerate the speed of scrolling video. In Maps feature will put the mark, and the calendar - add a new appointment. In any text program click on the screen with force will cause the interpreter window - eliminating the need for additional clicks. Insider, test technology on a prototype iPhone 6s, found the implementation of the function "quite practical."

First Force Touch will be available on the iPhone, and later will be used to the iPad. Probably in the next generation of Apple-tablet will have touch sensitivity screens.

We know that Apple has no plans to talk about innovations in iOS 9 at WWDC in June. The company is preparing a "surprise" for the presentation of the autumn iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus.

In addition to the realization of the function Force Touch company is working on an updated keyboard for iOS 9. In the development of Apple has several new designs, one of which includes additional buttons to edit text in portrait mode. Developers intend to change the design of the keys Shift, to make more explicit the activation of Caps Lock.