Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Apple once again topped the list of the most expensive brands in the world

Apple once again topped the list of the most expensive brands in the world, published by US magazine Forbes. According to the publication, the brand value of Apple for the year increased by 17% - to $ 145.3 billion.

Apple's brand value more than the cost of any other brand at least twice. Second place in the ranking took by Microsoft. The cost of this brand, according to experts, increased by 10% - to $ 69.3 billion. In third place - a brand of the corporation Google, risen in price over the year by 16% - to $ 65.6 billion. The only not a technology company, the brand is among the top five the most expensive, is a manufacturer of beverage Coca-Cola. Forbes estimated the brand at $ 56 billion - at the level of 2014. Fifth place went to a brand IBM, the value of which increased by 4% - to $ 49.8 billion.

According to the publication, in the IV quarter of 2014 Apple's revenue reached $ 18 billion, an increase of 33% compared to last year. During this period, the company sold 74.8 million smartphones worldwide and increased sales in this segment by 49%. This is the first time since 2011, when Apple's sales exceeded the results of Samsung, which regained its leading place in the first quarter of 2015.

Second place in the ranking of Microsoft can be attributed to the improvement of the company after the arrival of a new CEO Satya Nadella. Prior to that, the company behind the competition, but now again interested developers and consumers, indicating Forbes.

The magazine is an annual ranking of the most expensive brands for the fifth time. Working on it, Forbes originally selected more than 200 brands that have a presence in the United States. In evaluating each brand accounted profit for three years, and the role played by the company in the industry. The final list includes 100 brands.