Thursday, April 16, 2015

The launch of the Apple Watch is Practically Postponed To June

We have repeatedly stressed that the stocks of the Apple Watch were really limited but probably did not imagine this far.

Angela Ahrendts, responsible for the Apple Store, sent a note to all employees in which we can understand that the launch was postponed practically.

A first sign we have seen already from official Apple website where the date April 24, 2015 has been removed in favor of a "coming soon", but now the news is certain: we will not find the availability of Apple Watch in stores until June. Here is the letter:

Dear Team,
For my part, Tim Cook and the entire executive team, I want to thank you for making the launch of the Apple Watch unforgettable last Friday. The try-on continue regularly in our store as well as support, just like we always have.

User feedback has been really positive, beyond what we could imagine. They're all really excited for Apple Watch and all of you are creating an experience test really fantastic. Customers who pre-ordered the clock, will begin to receive from next Friday, as expected, and I know already that you will do a great job helping them to set it up.

Many of you will receive a constant demand from customers: "Will we be able to buy April 24?" As announced last week, due to a very high interest in the world and limited stocks at launch, for the moment we only accept pre-orders online .

 I will provide more details as soon as we get closer to a date when it will be possible to sell the device in the shop but we expect the online pre-orders remain active throughout the month of May. It is not an easy decision and I will share with you all that is behind.

It 'important to remember that the apple Watch is not only a new product but represents a whole new product category for us. 

There has never been a something similar. To offer the type of service that our customers expect, we realized un'approccio completely new.

 That's why, for the first time, we are showing a preview of a product in our store before the actual sale through the try-on.

The Apple Watch is also our most personal device we have, with several houses and straps so that better reflects themselves.

 So that they arrive enough supplies for each variation, it takes longer than expected, which is why we accept pre-orders online.

We know that this is a different experience for our customers, and also a novelty for you. We will launch all future products with this new approach?

 The answer is No. 
We love DayOne of our products and will continue to have many. Are the times when you, our team, shined. And also our customers love them.

Apple Watch is a great new product and we are at the beginning of a really very happy for Apple. You are the best team on the planet and are doing a great job.

For customers who want to buy an Apple Watch, please continue to help them to order it online. Just make sure to let customers know that despite buying online will get great support from you through the Personal Setup, both online and in store.

 This includes the timing of the Apple iPhone with the Watch and the teaching of the amazing features of the watch.

thanks a lot

In light of all this we derive that the few customers who were able to order them online with shipping by April 24, will receive the watch DayOne, but the vast majority of users and all those who want to buy it in the App Store will find it helpful to from June.