Thursday, April 30, 2015

Periscope Reaches 1 Million Users In 10 Days

Shortly after the purchase of the company Periscope, Twitter launched the application to create live broadcasts videos by the social network. Originally created by Kayvon Beykpour and Joe Bernstein and released last year. The application was described by the company as "the closest thing to teleport today." In his first official news about the program, Twitter said at least one million users have downloaded the Periscope in the first 10 days he was released .

For those who are unaware of the application, it works very simply: to start making their own live-streaming you simply install it and voila, your smartphone will transmit images for those who want to watch online. It lists everyone you know in a tab called "people" as well as a small selection of their favorite users. With a very large base of videos for you to watch, coming from around the world and organized for you. The Periscope needs you to actively select content so that it is shared, it also always saved their livestreams for at least 24 hours until you find a more suitable platform.

The coolest thing is the interaction that the application has Periscope with Twitter, and so a new live starts it sends notifications to all his followers commenting on it. If you are a more reserved person there is also the option of making transmissions for select groups of people.

Currently, the Periscope is the 167 most downloaded app for iOS, while its direct rival, the Meerkat has plunged the list of thousand most popular applications.

During a conversation with shareholders, the chairman of Twitter, Dick Costolo said he "is confident in the growth of Periscope", the biggest bet of the company in the segment of videos next to the Vine. He also showed the Android version of the application that is about to hit the market.