Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Facebook Begins To Interact With WhatsApp

It seems like yesterday when Facebook bought the messaging app WhatsApp to the tune of $ 22 billion. Until now the two services have operated quite separate, but apparently things are changing revealing some signs of interaction.

A new version of Facebook, (the allows users to post and share content to users via WhatsApp the enter key (Send) positioned at the bottom right of the mobile version of the app's social network.

The button has not appeared in the latest version of the app by leaving then understand that the function is for now limited to beta testers.

Contrary to what was said at the time of the acquisition, which ensured the development and use of both parallel and cross-app, it seems that the two giants of communication are beginning to interact with each other to leave open one glimpses a breath innovations whose purpose will drag more and more users towards the empire Zuckerberg.