Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Apple Buys Startup Ottocat To Improve The Search Functions of The App Store

It seems that spring in Apple ports with it a wave of acquisitions and innovations. Last move, but no less important, is the purchase of the Californian start-up OttaCat in order to enhance the search functions of the App Store.

The web is quite fought on the moment of purchase OttaCat. In many, following the trails of a report on Monday, as recent purchase of start-up, others, however, strongly affirm that the purchase is of a previous, can be placed even in the mid of 2013. This is probably because OttaCat opened its doors in May 2013 and then announce its closure in October of the same year.

Following this event, the profile of Twitter OttaCat became inactive and the WWDC 2014 Apple introduced the new function of exploration in the App Store. To connect everything there would also be a patent entitled "System and Method for Textual Divisive Clustering by Label Selection Using Variant-Weighted TFIDF" in which the co-founder Edwin Cooper is mentioned in the list of employees.

Currently, however, the state of Cooper in Apple appears unknown.