Monday, April 27, 2015

Arrive (Slowly) The Free Video Calls On Facebook Messenger

Facebook has started to activate the video call through the application Messenger, a bit 'as happened with WhatsApp. Different users can already make video calls using this application.

The video call feature of Facebook Messenger is active both in 3G / LTE in Wi-Fi and is in direct competition with Skype and FaceTime. The operation is simple: From any screen, chat, simply tap the camera icon to start the call.

Once you start the video call, you can select the camera back or the front, but the user can also turn off the camera and take advantage of all the services for a normal audio call. The quality is very good, both in 3G in Wi-Fi.

This feature should help Messenger to have a further impetus, as already has over 600 million active users per month.

Video calls on Facebook Messenger should arrive on all iPhones within the next few weeks.