Monday, April 27, 2015

Apple Watch is Triturated In a Blender Within A Few Seconds

You definitely must have already heard of the famous industrial blenders of Blendtec, an American company that produces some of the most resistant blenders market. The company began to gain much prominence in the market when it started to literally grind mobile devices from famous companies like Apple, for example. This time, continuing its good old work, Blendtec decided to end an Apple Watch just to show the efficiency of their products.

iPhones and iPads have been targeted by the Blendtec blenders famous in the "Will it Blend?", but were not the only devices that have suffered at the hands of these guys. Samsung has also seen some of its most iconic devices be destroyed, too, like the Galaxy S4 Active. Definitely, Tom Dickson, founder of Blendtec, is a very happy face for destroying equipment so easily.

Check out the video of Apple Watch below:

As usual, the "marketers" of Blendtec warn users not to carry out this procedure at home, as it can not be very healthy for their health try stuff. The model used in the video was an Apple Watch Sport, which costs $ 399 abroad but does not have set price for the Brazilian market.

Now, to complete the cycle, we will wait until the Blendtec is able to create a large enough blender to destroy the supposed Apple Car.