Friday, February 13, 2015

Apple Increases The Maximum Size Of The App On The App Store .

In a note to the developers released by Apple itself, the Californian company illustrates how the maximum size for the app on the App Store has grown from 2 to 4 GB. In addition to relaxing the developers, the news excites users at the thought of the new app but most of the new games that will come out on the store such as new and more rewarding Final Fantasy.

Final Fantasy is not a title we quote at random. The Japanese company producing the game, SquareEnix, said that the game will not exceed 2GB limit imposed by Apple for creating some of his most famous titles including, of course, the GDR stands for excellence.

Despite everything, the app weighing more than 100 MB can not be downloaded via the cellular network (but only via WiFi) in order not to affect too much on their own plan