Thursday, April 3, 2014

WWDC 2014 Will Be Held In San Francisco On June 2 [ Apple Confirmed ]

WWDC 2014 Will Be Held In San Francisco On June 2 - Apple has announced the official date of the WWDC 2014 which will be held in San Francisco on June 2 to 6. After the controversy of the past years, Apple decided to change the mode of tickets allocation. Let's read more after the following leap.

Developers who want to win a ticket should make a request before April 7 and then they will will be informed of the status of the booking. There will be also giving away 200 free tickets reserved for students from all over the world, but we do not know the details yet.
This year, it will also be possible to follow the streaming part of the WWDC, namely: " State of the Union " and " Apple Design Awards", while the video of the other sessions will be released during the week to registered developers.
The most anticipated news is of course just iOS 8 ...... !
At this time Apple has not yet updated the official website of the WWDC but the changes might occur at any time but only the new official banner for next event as shown above in the picture.