Wednesday, April 9, 2014

New Leaked Image For iPhone 6 Running On iOS 8

New Leaked Image For iPhone 6 Running On iOS 8 - We are waiting for Apple's next event that is recommended to witness the release of iPhone 6 with iOS 8. We have picked a new leaked image which shows iOS 8 board on iPhone 6. Let's read more about iPhone 6 and iOS 8 after the following jump.

According to the leaked screenshot below - the veracity of image can't be confirmed - the iPhone 6 will really have a bigger screen. iPhone 6 will also support a new Home screen much like the iPad. As shown at the following table, it includes iOS 8 that running on iPhone 6 - the Apple's next iPhone should have a home screen consists of five icons horizontally and vertically by seven icons.

The new device will be able to see an additional line of iPad App or if you prefer, one more row and one more column than the current iPhone 5 ,5C and 5S. Five icons are also provided in the dock, where stands the new app "Watch Utility" that should be useful to communicate with the iPhone 6 iWatch. Always from the picture, we notice the presence of two new app dedicated to CarPlay and iTunes Radio, as well as all of the iLife and iWork apps pre-installed and now scontatissima Healthbook. 

Of course, as usual, we invite you to take this rumor with the appropriate precautions, which applies to all the other related to the iPhone with iOS 6 and 8. Personally, We are very skeptical about the veracity of the image. Anyway, let's wait and see what will next days hide for us. Stay tuned for more coverage.