Saturday, March 15, 2014

iOS 7.1 Battery Life

We have spoken to the bottom of the new iOS 7.1, analyzing together all the news and issues worthy of note. We have seen how the animations have been made ​​quicker but now after a few days, we can tell you about the battery. Let's read more after the following leap.

Ars Technica had already made accurate test on battery life when iOS 7.1 was still in beta, and of course all the extra code for the diagnosis of bugs made ​​the lower battery life for iOS 7.0.6, what seems surprising, however, is that even with the final version of iOS 7.1 you will get the same results. 
As you can see from the graph, there is some exception. In particular, the iPhone 5 and the iPod Touch will get the benefits in terms of battery life with the new iOS 7.1. Completely unchanged is instead the iPad Mini last generation while for all other Apple devices we find a reduction of duration (though not significant, where the maximum reaches 20 minutes less as regards the iPhone)

The network is very divided on this issue: some people claim that the battery life is increased and others argue the opposite. In addition, some people claim that updating Over-the-Air battery life is compromised compared to an update "clean" operating system through the operation of "Restore to iOS 7.1," which we recommend that you always when they are released of the biggest releases of the software. 
If you want to restore your iPhone, you can download the firmware from our download section 
In short, we are confident that the issue will be taken up and deepened even further if the general trend is that iOS 7.1 reduces in a very lightweight battery life. On iSpazio we published an article that probably will help your battery last longer, solving the bug localization always active and we strongly urge you to read by clicking here.