Sunday, February 16, 2014

How To Bring Facebook RSS To Your iOS 7 Home Screen

How To Bring Facebook RSS To Your iOS 7 Home Screen - As you know, Facebook is the largest social network in the world. Also the nature of iOS has made Facebooking on iPhone or iPad partly restricted. But fortunately, jailbreak scene has brought a new tweak that brings featured RSS feed of your wall to your iOS home screen. The new tweak has just been released via Cydia. Now, let's know more about this brilliant tweak after this jump.

Facebook RSS looks amazing, nice and great. uoy will be want to try this funny widget, f you want to keep tabs on your Facebook Wall activity without firing up the app every ten seconds. Facebook RSS uses fed link to bring a Facebook wall to you iDevice. To customize Facebook RSS, you will need an SSH utility.

You can download it easily free, as it can be found over at the default source within Cydia, ModMyi. Would you give it a try?