Saturday, September 28, 2013

How To Speed Up Your iDevice Running With iOS 7 And Fix It's Battery

How To Speed Up Your iDevice Running With iOS 7 And Fix It's Battery - Previously, Apple has released iOS 7 final version with more than 200 amazing features. Most of our fans and Apple users gave great impression about iOS 7. They were excited with iOS 7 new design and high speed. If you have an old idevice and iOS 7 isn't running well with your device, we will show you how to speed up iOS 7 on your idevice easily. Let's see how to speed up your idevice running with iOS 7 And Fix It's Battery but after the following jump.

How To Speed Up Your iDevice Running With iOS 7 And Fix It's Battery :
1 - Use  "Increase Contrast" to Eliminate Transparency & Blur Effects
 The Transparency and blur effects in the iOS 7 is one of the most things that consume battery and decelerate the device. In order to close it. Go to Settings > General > Accessibility then turn Increase Contrast On.

Increasing contrast will change control center, folders and notification center. They will appear with solid color in the background instead of the blur and transparency.  If you noticed any kind of slow responding while you are opening them then you will see a good speed improvement on the device.
Note: Some hardware are not supporting 100% blur and transparency effects but while making this option on will still help making your device faster.
2- Turn On Motion Reduction
The motion is considered the parallax effect in the background, then closing the motion parallax effect will improve the speed of your iDevice.
Simply go to Settings > General > Accessibility > Reduce Motion then turn it On

Note: If you didn’t found the Reduce motion option in your accessibility options then your Device is not supporting it from the default, most of the cases it is performance issues if you have an older iDevice.
3- Turn Off Background App Refresh
 Auto refreshing your background applications consumes battery very quickly .So you must turn off this feature if the performance of your iDevice is not high.
You will go to Settings > General > Background App Refresh then turn it Off.

Turning this feature off will let the applications in the background refresh when they are opened only, which was the default in the iOS 6 anyway. This feature will make you feel a lot of improvement especially in the iPhone 4 performance.
4- Automatic Updates & Downloads
Why i have to close this too ? well, the answer is the same of the App background refresh, because the automatic updates and downloads plays the same roll of the App background refresh so this have to be closed too.
Settings > iTunes & App Store > Automatic Downloads then turn it Off.

If you turned this feature off then you’ll have to update every application manually from the App Store, and you will have to download Apps and songs you download on your other iDevices because they won’t be transferred into your device automatic anymore. we all know that these three features are too useful but you will have to get rid of them if you are aiming for a better performance.
5- Restore to Factory Defaults
one of the methods that could affect your device performance is re-setting it to Factory Defaults, but be sure that you have backed up your important information before doing this.
This option is one of the oldest theories since the windows and OS X, it has the same effect if you uninstall your windows or your OS X and installed a new one.
6- Update to 7.X
iOS 7 is one of the best firmware that Apple has seeded recently and it brought many improvements with battery consumption and device speed. So, don't hesitate to get any new updates.