Monday, July 30, 2012

iPhone 5 Will Be Released On September 12, 2012

In accordance to iMore, Apple is going to release iPhone 5 on September 12, 2012. Let's see the full report of the release date here below.

“iMore has heard that Apple is planning to debut the new iPhone at a special event on Wednesday, September 12, 2012, with the release date to follow 9 days later on Friday, September 21. This information comes from sources who have proven accurate in the past.
The iPad mini will be announced at the same September 12 event, as will the new iPod nano. We haven’t heard a release date for the iPad mini yet, but it could be the same as the iPhone 5. It seems likely the new iPod touch will make an appearance on September 12 as well, though we haven’t heard any specific information about that yet either.”
Few days ago, other sources also confirmed that iPhone 5 will be released on September 21st, which give credibility to this date. Anyway we became closer from the long awaited device. Are you planning to buy the iPhone 5 ?