Sunday, July 22, 2012

How To Setup FireFox OS On Your Desktop

As usual, Mozilla Firefox in challenge with Chrome and Safari in the OS market. Alcatel and ZTE will release some of the very first Firefox OS on their devices and will be targeting it to the middle income group. Codenamed Boot to Gecko, the OS operates on HTML 5 and they are all set to take some market share from the iOS and the Android. The core concept behind using HTML 5 is to use open web standards and allow web apps to make full use of the device’s hardware for better performing applications. Let's read more about Firefox OS after the jump.

The Mozilla team is very enthusiastic about their OS and they claim that’s it will be an operating with everything in it and that it will be simply amazing. Users will have features such as contact dialing, messaging, web browsing, gaming, video viewing and transfer of media through the popular bumping technique and a lot more as developers start getting involved with HTML 5. However, until the OS is actually deployed on a device we cannot be sure how it will function, but till that time comes Mozilla has made builds that can be tested on PC, Linux and Mac.

Although these builds are made for developers to test their apps normal users can install it just to try it out. However, the process is quite lengthy and is not that simple like installing a fresh copy of windows or anything like that.

Click here To Setup Firefox OS on your desktop.