Saturday, March 3, 2012

iOS 6 Will Be Released With iPad 3 Launch

Well, according to ArsTechnica, they have spotted some amazing news over their server logs, such as devices running iOS 6 and high resolutions screens in the 2048×1536 dimension. These are the expected features over the next generation of iPad " iPad 3 ". Let's check evidence for that after the jump.

While digging through our logs in preparation for our monthly browser stat report, we found 346 visits from a device with a screen resolution of 2048×1536—the exact resolution rumored for the “retina” display in the next-generation iPad. Although a screen resolution by itself isn’t much to go on, a quick search around the Web indicates that there are very few devices in current use that have this same resolution.

MacRumors notes speculation of displays at this high resolution should still show up as 1024×768, rather than 2048×1536, since iPhone 4/4S logs show up as 480×320 even though the Retina Display resolution is 960×640.
Another discovery was the evidence of devices running iOS 6. Currently, iOS 5.1 remains in beta and is widely expect to reach its GM release next week at Apple’s iPad 3 media event.
…we began looking at iPad user agents coming from Apple’s corporate IP block in Cupertino and discovered that Apple appears to surfing the Web using iPads running what looks like iOS 6.0. The whole listing shows iPads running iOS 5, iOS 5.0.1 (the current public release), iOS 5.1 (the upcoming release currently available to developers), and iOS 6. The iPads that appear to be running iOS 6 are also using a slightly newer build of WebKit—the older OSes all show WebKit 534.46, while the ones claiming to be iOS 6 show WebKit build 535.8.

Bring on the March 7th media event. In the meantime, expect the last minute iPad 3 rumour mill to go into full effect.