Friday, February 10, 2012

iPad 3 Will Be Released On Next March

Well, Apple’s stock at an all time high and with a market valuation fast closing to an almost half a trillion, it seems that Apple can do no wrong. Reports have started flooding in that indicate that the launch event for the successor of Apple’s magical tablet can be held as soon as the beginning of March. We have got all the details so hit the jump to read on.

Reports suggest that the next generation of iPad, which will most probably called as the iPad 3, would have its own special event come March, which incidentally is just a few weeks away. We would not be surprised if such an event actually takes place this March, seeing as Apple’s historical release cycle data suggests that the iPad 2 was also announced on march last year and went on sale the week after.

Also this would be in tandem with the yearly life cycle and product release cycle of Apple, as they have maintained these schedules throughout their previous product releases.

Now the big question is, what would be the changes that apple brings forth for the iPad 3. And that is the question that matters the most for consumers anyway. The biggest update could possibly be to the screen and iPad 3 might rock an HD Retina Display similar to the iPhone 4S, albeit bigger and more sexy. Recent leaked iPad 3 cases and component pictures give this rumor plausibility.

While it has been rumored to sport a quad-core A6 processor, personally we think that Apple might just stick with a dual core processor this time around as they would focus more on the GPU and the graphics of the iPad 3 , which is the actual bottleneck for the iPad. Also Apple might not be easily prepared to part with their legendary 10 hours battery life for the sake of an extra two cores.

With march fast creeping up, let’s keep our fingers crossed and wait what the guys at Cupertino have cooked up for us this time.