Sunday, November 20, 2011

How To Follow Your Lost Device Even If The Device Was Closed

Most of you have lost their idevices, some of these devices got back and others still lost. Here is a tweak which takes the picture of the thief even if the device was going to shutdown. There is iGotYa app too, which helped in finding a thief Such apps are so important to keep activated just in case anything wrong happens.

iCaughtU Pro is compatible with iOS 5 and requires that your iDevice have a pass code. The application needs the pass code because when someone enters a wrong pass code, the application will take a picture of the user using the front-facing camera, then email the picture to you, along with the address/location of the device, time of false input, a Google Map, and a text message alert. You can even set a message to display on the stolen device. For example, "I caught you." This will certainly put a scare into the criminal. Not only can you have it happen via pass code, but you can have it happen when the device is powered down. This means that you will get to see the user and the location of the device as it is being powered down, before it's powered down. This way you can catch your thief even though the device was stolen and turned off (it takes a picture and shares the location right before shutting off). 

To get iCaughtU Pro  open Cydia you will find it with BigBoss repo

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