Sunday, September 4, 2011

A Prototype Of iPhone 5 Lost In San Francisco Streets

In accordance to  SF Weekly, San Francisco Police Department spokesman Lt. Troy Dangerfield says that four SFPD officers “assisted” two Apple investigators in searching  for the lost of iPhone 5 prototype.

Dangerfield says that, after conferring with Apple and the captain of the Ingleside police station, he has learned that plainclothes SFPD officers went with private Apple detectives to the home of Sergio Calderón, a 22-year-old resident of Bernal Heights. According to Dangerfield, the officers “did not go inside the house,” but stood outside while the Apple employees scoured Calderón’s home, car, and computer files for any trace of the lost iPhone 5. The phone was not found, and Calderón denies that he ever possessed it.
Earlier today, SF Weekly claimed that Apple investigator’s have posed as police officers to help in finding the robber’s house through GPS signal, but never restored. Calderòn told SF Weekly  that six badge-wearing individuals came to him, but didn’t identified as he works in Apple’s stuff. Just One man identified himself as “Tony”, gave Calderòn his phone number. This number was found to be associated to Anthony Colon , investigator working for Apple whose LinkedIn profile was  deleted from the social networking website.

The visitors also allegedly threatened him and his family, asking questions about their immigration status. “One of the officers is like, ‘Is everyone in this house an American citizen?’ They said we were all going to get into trouble,” Calderón said.
Calderòn says that he has been impressed because they were all police officers, as two of them ” who searched his place “ identified themselves as SFPD officials. while a first report indicated SFPD had no records of such investigation, the fact that SFPD sent “plainclothes” officers with badges may check out with today’s update.
There’s just one problem: SFPD spokesman Officer Albie Esparza says no records exist of any such activity by SFPD inspectors.
“I talked to CNET” reporter Declan McCullagh, Esparza tells SF Weekly. “I don’t know who his source is, but we don’t have any record of any such an investigation going on at this point.
Contradicting past statements that no records exist of police involvement in the search for the lost prototype, San Francisco Police Department spokesman Lt. Troy Dangerfield now tells SF Weekly that “three or four” SFPD officers accompanied two Apple security officials in an unusual search of a Bernal Heights man’s home.

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