Friday, August 5, 2011

Another iPhone 5 New Rumor [ Photo ]

We have picked up this iPhone 5 picture today which appears online while someone was using his camera and captured this photo below, and as the reports say that the photo was taken in the office of French wireless carrier, the photo here after the jump.

If you looked closely at the photo you will find that it is very similar to the iPhone 4, also I noticed that there is a hint of curviness at the edges which falls well in line with the rumors of the next-generation iPhone having a thinner profile with a tapered design. This, of course, could just be a hoax but just looks so very nice!

We can't confirm that this is the real awaited model of iPhone 5 but it often to be a rumor, so stay tuned with us to cover you with all new concerned with iPhone 5.

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