Thursday, April 21, 2011

iPhone 5 Will Be Released On September [Confirmed]

According to Reuters that iPhone 5 (nest iPhone generation) will start production in July to start shipping in September.

The new smartphone will have a faster processor but will look largely similar to the current iPhone 4, one of the people said. They declined to be identified because the plans were not yet public.The companies would begin production either in July or August before shipping components to Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd, flagship of Foxconn Technology Group, for assembly, they said.

iPhone 5 Specs:

If you asking for iPhone 5 specs, here's the rumors which are the closest to the truth, iPhone 5 will support dual-core A5 processor and graphics enhancements found in the iPad 2, possibly 64 GB of storage, a larger screen than iPhone 4, a metal back, and new cloud-based functionality through Apple’s upcoming iOS 5.

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