Friday, April 8, 2011

Download Bing For iPad Now

Microsoft might be working on creating a rival tablet operating system but that has not stopped the boys from Redmond bringing its Bing app to Apple’s iPad. This is the
fifth app which has come out of Microsoft for the iPhone / iOS platform.
Now a universal app, Bing is only available on the US App Store at the moment but is still free.
The new iPad interface comes complete with the now obligatory Bing image and offers at-a-glance access to weather, movies and news as well as trends.
Bing for iPad
Trends in particular are interesting as this opens a fancy interface not unlike Flipboard and voice search is also present for those partial to talking to their hardware. It’s also great to see Microsoft embracing the world of touch, with much swiping to be done throughout the app. This certainly feels more than just an up-scaled iPhone app as so many developers are guilty of doing.
Bing is free and available now.

Download Bing  from here

[via redmondpie]

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