Thursday, March 10, 2011

Download TinyUmbrella 4.30.00 Which Brings iOS 4.3 And iPad 2 Support

Notcom, the developer behind TinyUmbrella, has updated TinyUmbrella to version 4.30.00 to support iOS 4.3 and the upcoming iPad 2 (WiFi, CDMA and GSM).

TinyUmbrella now supports all three new models of iPad 2. I’ve also added a much-needed tweak per saurik’s request. If you don’t update to the latest version, you may experience /significant/ slowness when saving your SHSHs in the future. With this release, 4.3 is supported. I plan on making some changes to the UI to help out the poor saps stuck on vertical resolutions < 900. I’m also going to be removing the proxy section of the app and simply using the system proxy settings.
Notcom recommended users to upgrade to the latest version of TinyUmbrella as they may experience significant slowness when saving SHSH blobs.

Download TinyUmbrella 4.30.00 for Mac
Download TinyUmbrella 4.30.00 for Windows

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