Thursday, March 31, 2011

Do You Want To Buy WWDC 2011 Tickets !

Well, if you were not quick to get a ticket to this year's WWDC, this just might ... make you angry. A developer is selling an unactivated extra ticket on eBay for the Buy It Now price of US$3,500. That's $1,900 more than the original $1,599 cost. The eBay seller says
the ticket is one he bought for a colleague who can't make it this year. It's great that he wants to give another dev who missed out on a ticket the chance of going, but trying to make a buck off it? Come on. [ We thought about putting in a link to the auction itself, but decided that was just bad form. --Ed ]

Now before anyone gets too hopeful (or angry), I'm certain that Apple is going to put an end to this auction quicker than it can pull an app from App Store. The last thing Apple wants to have happen is a string of bogus developers in future years buying up WWDC tickets and then scalping them for a profit. Still, I wouldn't be surprised to see some more WWDC tickets show up on Craigslist or eBay before the June 6 conference begins.

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