Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Verizon iPhone 4 And Antenna Issues With [Video]

Let me say this first, I have been using iPhone 4 GSM for along time and never had antenna issues. We know it has been a huge issue when Apple launched iPhone 4. Later, Apple informed that this issue was looked into and redesigned the Verizon iPhone 4.

Now, guys over at iLounge claims that they have discovered antenna-gate issues on Verizon iPhone 4 while they were doing standard suite of  performance test. They have noticed that, this redesigned iPhone 4 ‘Verizon iPhone 4′ can still lose cellular signal strength when held in death grip position. Not that that, they have noticed Wi-Fi signal been effected, when the device is held in landscape orientation position with two hands.
Verizon iPhone 4 Users, Have you noticed this issue ? Share it with us..

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