Friday, February 18, 2011

Verizon iPhone 4 Already Unlocked In China

According to The Wall Street Journal, a Chinese carrier has successfully unlocked the CDMA-based Verizon iPhone 4, this carrier called China Telecom.

A screen shot from a Sina Weibo account registered to the Guangzhou branch of China Telecom shows an image of what appears to be a Verizon Wireless iPhone4 next to a Guangzhou China Telecom employee badge. The Chinese text above reads: “CDMA iphone4 registered, for the first time we invite everyone to feast their eyes!!!”
Definitely, you're asking now about the public unlock solution, all indicators pointing that dev-team is almost finished the job, but they are still waiting for the public release of iOS 4.3 which expected to be released by Feb 28.

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