Tuesday, January 11, 2011

iOS 4.3 To Launch On 19 January?

As noted by MacRumors that Forbes has confirmed with a trusted source that the publication of "The Daily" will be formally announced on January 19th. The Daily will be a new journal specifically for iPad only with Apple support.

Mark your calendars, media nerds. Wednesday, Jan. 19, 2011 is the day it all changes. Maybe.

That's the planned launch date for The Daily, the iPad-only publication News Corp. has been feverishly developing. The company has yet to say boo about it, and a spokesman declined to comment when I asked him about the launch date, which comes via a News Corp. insider.
It's now expected that Apple will release iOS 4.3 with the arrival of this electronic journal "The Daily", as Apple has been said to be supporting The Daily with "recurring subscription payments" for iTunes accounts, this famous feature will only exist on the upcoming iOS 4.3. Anyway, let's wait and see. [via iSpazio]

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